Tricia Scribner, Apologist: As a Mom, You Were Made for This

Scribner is female apologist, fast becoming a popular face on the lecture circuit. I ran into Tricia at her table at the 2019 Southern Evangelical Apologetics Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.  She makes a powerful argument for women in the field of apologetics. Moms and women in general have a way of relating to others that most men simply don’t have. And it’s this innate ability that makes them, in many cases, more effective with their children, their husbands, friends & relatives, and anyone who craves love and genuine concern in the person who’s trying to evangelize them. Watch this video. Takes note of the resources that Tricia has created and those she recommends by others.

“Women have a special built-in ability to relate simply by virtue of how God wired them.”

Watch Tricia explain the need for more Mama Bear apologists and how you can become one.  Approx. 10 minutes.